ARB Complete Regrowth Kit

ARB Complete Regrowth Kit



Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
408 Reviews
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What you’re looking at right now is the result of over 20+ years of obsessive research and development working with the best chemists, doctors, engineers and researchers from literally around the entire world.

This regrowth kit is exactly what I created for myself and what I use every day.

I never intended to turn this into a business and when I was going through my own hair loss journey, the name Adegen wasn’t even in my wildest dreams.

But I was fortunate enough to discover and have the opportunity to work with the heroes who made this technology possible and I kept tweaking and refining over and over and over and what you see here is the best of the best and most complete hair loss solution ever created and what I use every day.

I started having great results and then I started sharing with friends and family. Then word kept spreading and here we are.

I’m simply sharing with you what has not only completely changed my life, but now the lives of several thousands of other men and women from around the world as well.

I consider myself very fortunate and also consider it a great responsibility to make sure we deliver the best products in the world so you can experience the same freedom from thinning hair and hair loss that I get to without having to go through the same challenging journey that I did to discover them.

Hair loss is history.

-John Goss
Founder & CEO

What's inside the kit?


Introducing the ARB Hair Regrowth Kit, Adegen's most comprehensive solution for individuals committed to reversing hair loss and unlocking the full potential of their hair's growth and vitality.

This all-encompassing kit is meticulously designed to target every aspect of hair regrowth, offering a synergistic approach that combines our most effective products:

  • ARB Shampoo: Begin your journey with our ARB Shampoo, a foundational step that deeply cleanses the scalp, removing impurities and setting the stage for optimal hair growth.
  • SM Brushes: Complement your routine with our SM Brushes, essential for invigorating the scalp, promoting circulation, and ensuring your hair follicles receive the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • 10X Roller: Enhance the effectiveness of our topicals with the 10X Roller, a state-of-the-art tool designed to increase absorption, stimulate blood flow, and maximize the regenerative processes of your hair follicle.
  • ARB Topical: Choose from ARB Topical-5, ARB Topical-15, or ARB Topical-15X, our revolutionary treatments that target the biological basis of hair loss, stimulating follicles at their core for regrowth and density. Not sure which topical to use? Read this guide on the difference between formulations.

Choose from a 1-month, 3-month, or 6-month supply to embark on your hair regrowth journey. Opting for our extended supply options not only ensures a consistent and effective treatment regimen but also offers significant savings.

The ARB Hair Regrowth Kit represents the pinnacle of hair restoration science, combining top-tier products for a holistic approach to hair health.

By integrating these four powerful components into your daily routine, you're not just addressing hair loss; you're embracing a transformative journey towards fuller, healthier and more resilient hair.

Which topical should I choose?


Topical 5

Our ARB Topical 5 is where we recommend first-time users begin their regrowth journey with Adegen. This formulation contains our proprietary ARB in combination with 5% minoxidil to maximize hair growth. On top of that, we use the active ingredient Retinol, which helps create cell turnover and drive the ARB and other active ingredients to the root of the hair follicle. 

Topical 15

If your hair loss is severe and you want the absolute strongest and most powerful hair loss solution on planet earth, our ARB Topical 15 is it. While this formulation shares the same ingredient profile as the Topical 5, our Topical 15 is triple the strength. This is a monumental challenge to formulate into a topical solution and a testament to our brilliant chemistry team. Please note that because of the strength of our ARB Topical 15 it hardens a bit more when dried on the scalp.

Topical 15X

For those seeking the ultimate hair regrowth solution, our ARB Topical 15X stands out as an exceptional choice. Building on the success of the Topical 15, the 15X variant takes your hair regrowth journey a step further. It includes a potent and fast-acting delivery system that enhances the penetration of ARB and other key ingredients through the epidermis, similar to the efficacy of our 10X Roller. This advanced delivery mechanism ensures that the active ingredients are more effectively absorbed, promoting optimal hair regrowth. It's important to approach this powerful formulation with care, so we recommend transitioning to the Topical 15X only after at least 3 months of consistent use with our Topical 5 or Topical 15.

Hair Regrowth In 3 Easy Steps

Here's how to use each product in our regrowth kit:

Step 1: Exfoliate Your Scalp

Our process starts by deeply cleaning the scalp and removing all dead skin, dandruff, and pore-clogging sebum using a combination of our regrowth-friendly ARB Shampoo and Scalp Massage Brushes.

Step 2: Micro-Abrasion

By rolling the 10X Roller gently over your thinning and hair loss area prior to applying our ARB Topical, you create micro-channels in the scalp that dramatically increase the effectiveness of the topical formula.

Step 3: Topical Application

Adegen ARB is a completely safe and natural fatty acid complex that protects the hair follicle from the negative effects of DHT without compromising hormone levels throughout the rest of the body.

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man on his wedding day

Bryan M.


"When I started noticing hair loss was becoming an issue for me, I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to ensure that on my wedding day at the very least I would not be a ‘bald guy.' Thanks to John and Adegen I did make it to my wedding day with a full head of hair and because of this product I have so much confidence now with something that used to cause me so, so much grief and embarrassment. These results are very real and very possible for all of you!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man on his wedding day

Bryan M.


"When I started noticing hair loss was becoming an issue for me, I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to ensure that on my wedding day at the very least I would not be a ‘bald guy.' Thanks to John and Adegen I did make it to my wedding day with a full head of hair and because of this product I have so much confidence now with something that used to cause me so, so much grief and embarrassment. These results are very real and very possible for all of you!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a young woman

Sarah M.


"So excited to share my 3 month mark! I’ve been losing a lot of my hair for the past 10 years and have spent a lot of money trying to grow my hair with ZERO results. I’ve had so much shame around my hair loss for the past 10 years, when I think back on it, it was so exhausting. My hair looked nice but I always felt that I was hiding from people, I realized I had a wall up because I thought if people found out my “imperfection” I would be rejected or be seen as less than. Thank you so much again John and thank you to his amazing team!! I’m so grateful for Adegen! The heart, dedication, and support of John and his team blows me away. Such an incredible community!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a young woman

Sarah M.


"So excited to share my 3 month mark! I’ve been losing a lot of my hair for the past 10 years and have spent a lot of money trying to grow my hair with ZERO results. I’ve had so much shame around my hair loss for the past 10 years, when I think back on it, it was so exhausting. My hair looked nice but I always felt that I was hiding from people, I realized I had a wall up because I thought if people found out my “imperfection” I would be rejected or be seen as less than. Thank you so much again John and thank you to his amazing team!! I’m so grateful for Adegen! The heart, dedication, and support of John and his team blows me away. Such an incredible community!"

Yunus A.


"180 days of Adegen! It has reversed my hairline to what it was 3-4 years before. Really happy with the progress so far. In the doom and gloom in the world, 2020 has been awesome for me. I found Adegen. It like the lord and the universe answered my prayers!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of the top of a man's head

Yunus A.


"180 days of Adegen! It has reversed my hairline to what it was 3-4 years before. Really happy with the progress so far. In the doom and gloom in the world, 2020 has been awesome for me. I found Adegen. It like the lord and the universe answered my prayers!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a woman with hair thinning

Gina M.


"Personally the past 10+ years have been very traumatic because of my severe hair loss. I felt so ashamed and it really hit my self-esteem hard. I'm 51 days on the protocol and I'm already seeing results! I am blown away by this protocol. It works! Thank you so much John Goss!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a woman with hair thinning

Gina M.


"Personally the past 10+ years have been very traumatic because of my severe hair loss. I felt so ashamed and it really hit my self-esteem hard. I'm 51 days on the protocol and I'm already seeing results! I am blown away by this protocol. It works! Thank you so much John Goss!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on the top of his head

Paul M.


"Ok everyone, the results are in and I must say that they are amazing. I'm really pleased with the results here and look forward to continuing to grow more hair as I continue with the product! You have no idea how much you have changed my life and given me the confidence that I lacked before using Adegen. I'm forever grateful for that and for the entire Adegen team."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on the top of his head

Paul M.


"Ok everyone, the results are in and I must say that they are amazing. I'm really pleased with the results here and look forward to continuing to grow more hair as I continue with the product! You have no idea how much you have changed my life and given me the confidence that I lacked before using Adegen. I'm forever grateful for that and for the entire Adegen team."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on the top of his head

Mahmood B.


"At around 30 years old I noticed that the top of my hair was much drier, weaker and was losing its life. The second dose of major hair anxiety came to me when I went to my barber and he said “you’re getting kind of empty back there.” I was on the verge of giving up and being more accepting of the bald haircut soon to come. After starting Adegen, I noticed a difference in my hair almost immediately relative to other therapies – this was a very good sign. My wife is still shocked as she took these pictures. Need I say more? HAIR LOSS IS HISTORY now at 35 years old."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on the top of his head

Mahmood B.


"At around 30 years old I noticed that the top of my hair was much drier, weaker and was losing its life. The second dose of major hair anxiety came to me when I went to my barber and he said “you’re getting kind of empty back there.” I was on the verge of giving up and being more accepting of the bald haircut soon to come. After starting Adegen, I noticed a difference in my hair almost immediately relative to other therapies – this was a very good sign. My wife is still shocked as she took these pictures. Need I say more? HAIR LOSS IS HISTORY now at 35 years old."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man after using Adegen hair regrowth kits for 11 months

Siri K.


"I was one of the first to order this product upon its launch last April. My pictures below are a testament that this product works. Not only is it effective, it keeps working. Trust the process. Be committed and do the protocol daily as John directs. Thank you John Goss and the entire Adegen team. You’re changing the world.

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man after using Adegen hair regrowth kits for 11 months

Siri K.


"I was one of the first to order this product upon its launch last April. My pictures below are a testament that this product works. Not only is it effective, it keeps working. Trust the process. Be committed and do the protocol daily as John directs. Thank you John Goss and the entire Adegen team. You’re changing the world.

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on his crown and temples

Cole L.


"I can’t tell y’all how close I was to shaving my head before I started using adegen. I’m so stoked to say that thought won’t be crossing my mind again! First picture is my first day using Adegen on April 26th. Second picture is from 3 months later on July 27th. The proof is in the pudding y’all. If you’re skeptical, good. Trusting in a hair product that claims to regrow your hair can be really tough. Thank you Adegen."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man with hair thinning on his crown and temples

Cole L.


"I can’t tell y’all how close I was to shaving my head before I started using adegen. I’m so stoked to say that thought won’t be crossing my mind again! First picture is my first day using Adegen on April 26th. Second picture is from 3 months later on July 27th. The proof is in the pudding y’all. If you’re skeptical, good. Trusting in a hair product that claims to regrow your hair can be really tough. Thank you Adegen."

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man who was balding on his crown

Mathieu R.


"Wazaaa! Hope yall enjoying summer! I want to do this post short n sweet because I feel like the pictures and the face of my barber speaks volumes, he was like what the F happened to you? Lmfao. Thank you Adegen  & team, you changed my life. I am blessed. 8 months today on the protocol. I started November 21st, I had to go to the barber for my first clean cut of the summer today. First picture is around 2 weeks on the protocol. Other is today! That smile of satisfaction says it all!"

Adegen reviews | Hair growth before and after of a man who was balding on his crown

Mathieu R.


"Wazaaa! Hope yall enjoying summer! I want to do this post short n sweet because I feel like the pictures and the face of my barber speaks volumes, he was like what the F happened to you? Lmfao. Thank you Adegen  & team, you changed my life. I am blessed. 8 months today on the protocol. I started November 21st, I had to go to the barber for my first clean cut of the summer today. First picture is around 2 weeks on the protocol. Other is today! That smile of satisfaction says it all!"

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 408 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 370 Total 4 star reviews: 13 Total 3 star reviews: 9 Total 2 star reviews: 2 Total 1 star reviews: 14
94%would recommend this product
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408 reviews
  • JL
    John Louvaris I.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 hours ago
    Consistency is Key

    Let me start with a little back story. I was skeptical about purchasing any hair regrowth products because there are so many to choose, but my hair was giving me signs that I needed to start doing something soon. Surely enough like a sign from the universe, John had appeared. I watched his presentation and educated myself through his videos. I liked his approach, suffering from hair loss himself, and how he traveled all over the world and spent millions of dollars to find the answers to the root cause of hair loss. So, I gave it a try and as you can see the results speak for themselves. I cannot thank John enough for what he has done for me and the community. After 90 days physically my hair feels fuller, thicker, and darker. On a psychological level I have way more confidence and good spirits. I would say the biggest takeaway for me was that I believed in John and in Adegen, that's what made me strive for consistency every day. I cannot wait to see what the next 90 days brings me.

  • JS
    James S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    20 hours ago

    Great results started after one month. Scalp and hair health changed after a week or so. Four months later and my hair is thickening significantly. People are noticing a change. Great products without any nasty tablets, but I found did not work for me. Before and after photos from only around 4 months, and using the products everyday! Excited to see results from now.

  • MR
    Matt R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    22 hours ago
    5 Stars

    152 Days in! I’ve seen a lot of new growth and my hair feels healthier overall, but the crown isn’t filling in as quickly as I’d hoped.

  • MD
    Michael D.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    44 Year Old Male - Regrowing Hair with Adegen

    I lost hope of keeping my hair in my 20s, mainly because my father and 3 brothers all shave their heads (they are 90+% bald on the scalps), and none of them felt there was any hope for keeping their hair. I tried Rogaine long ago and realized that it was a futile exercise since I just kept losing my hair. I also tried palmetto saw pills and have previously contemplated a hair transplant, but ultimately I decided I didn’t want the risk of an unnatural outcome. I’ve always kept one eye on the subject of hair regeneration because of promising studies that showed hair regrowth in mice with wound healing tactics. Adegen captured my interest because John’s personal research and conclusions all added up to me. I purchased - 6 month supply, knowing that results wouldn’t come in the short term, but through consistency and patience. I started in January this year and see the progress and have dealt with my kids asking - “Dad are you regrowing your hair?! How is that possible? You’re bald!” I’ve also dealt with coworkers who think have noticed a change in me but haven’t said anything yet about my hair being thicker or anything. The reality is this is a life shift for me, and I’m not in any rush to see all my results right now, but even if I don’t add another hair to my head I’m legitimately happy with what has already returned and for the health that my hair has been enjoying with these products. Sincerely I never could have imagined that products could work for me but Adegen works!

  • TO
    Travis O.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 week ago
    5 Stars

    I really can’t say enough good things about this product. I’ve been blown away by the results I’ve seen in just four months of use. Trust the process they say… 🙌

  • ES
    Eleanore S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 week ago
    5 Stars

    I've been using Adegen for exactly 100 days and here are my results so far.

    (Pink is day 1, black is day 100)

    My hair loss was/is severe and has happened very gradually over 20+ years, so I went into this journey knowing that it could take quite some time to gain it back.

    (That seems to be a pattern in this group - those who lost their hair quickly seem to gain it back quickly, and those who lost it more gradually seem to take longer to gain it back.)

    It's tough for me to look at day 1 (heck, even day 100 is a bit tough because there's such a long way to go), let alone share with others, but this is such a kind group of people that I actually feel okay about it.

    And to those who are just starting their Adegen journey I want to say that it didn't look like ANYTHING was happening until approximately day 85. I had a few new hairs poking up here and there, but the pictures I took every two weeks didn't really look any different from day 1.

    But I still kept going, remembering all the guidance to not expect anything dramatic for the first 90-100 days, and I encourage you to do the same!

    Now that I compare day 1 with day 100, I finally see a difference (as does my family!) and am crying tears of gratitude. This confirms that Adegen is really going to work for me and I know that things will get even better if I stay the course with the protocol.

    I'm rethinking my entire life and how much brighter the future looks now that I will have hair that totally covers my scalp - something that…

  • JR
    Jody R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 week ago
    5 Stars

    The first pic is from Oct. of 2023.

    The second pic is from April 2024.

    I couldn’t be happier with these results! I truly thought I was doomed to be “that bald guy” as I had tried many other products with no visible progress. Thanks ADEGEN!!!

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What makes Adegen different?


This is probably one of the most important questions you can ask. Unfortunately, you cannot believe everything you hear. Especially in the hair loss industry. There are so many products that make big promises and fail to deliver results. So I think it’s best for you to be extremely hesitant and do your due diligence and research on any company or product. Adegen’s existence is a direct result of the dishonesty in the hair loss industry.

Like you, John spent countless hours and dollars falling for many of the same empty promises that still abound today. And then after spending hundreds of thousands of his own dollars and traveling around the world to solve his own hair loss problem, he found a real solution to hair loss and discovered huge roadblocks that were keeping this technology that changed his life from the public. He has dedicated the last 8 years of his life to making this same solution available to others in hopes their life will improve in the same way.

How long does it take to get results?


Hair loss is simply caused by a blood flow restriction to the hair follicle.

That’s because our blood is what carries all of our vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen throughout our bodies and to all of our organs (yes hair follicles are organs).

The reason why Adegen is so successful is because it doesn’t focus on “growing hair.”

The body and hair follicle is naturally designed to do just that.

Adegen focuses on restoring health and normal blood flow back to the hair follicle because if you remove what’s causing the blood flow restriction at the hair follicle (it’s nutrient supply), the hair growth will take care of itself.

So with the first application of the Adegen ARB ShampooSM Brush, and ARB Topical Solution you are immediately reversing the cause that has led to thinning hair and hair loss.

However, just like how your hair loss began and before you could see it visibly, it took time to progress and it does take time to restore health back to your hair follicle.

The early anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle is 90-100 days on average.

So, it does take time and consistency before you will start to see the results.

This is why it’s also very important to take progress pictures regularly.

With that said, you can expect to start seeing noticeable changes about the 3 month mark and those results will continue to improve over the next several months.

Again, consistency is extremely important if you want to have the best and fastest results possible.

Make sure to follow the standard protocol we recommend, trust the process, you will see results.

What is the best kit to start with?


We recommend starting with Kit No. 2 since it has all of the Adegen products needed to fully stop and reverse hair loss.

What's the difference between topical formulas?


Each topical shares the same ingredient profile, but Adegen ARB Topical Solution–15 is triple the strength of ARB Topical Solution–5. We recommend you starting with Adegen ARB Topical Solution–5 for three months because most likely that will completely and effectively stop and reverse your hair loss.

Should I try using the Adegen protocol?


There is no pressure to buy anything from our site.

Make sure to take your time before you do and make sure you're committed to taking the action necessary to be consistent.

Without consistent use of the products, you will be wasting your time and money.

However, if you're looking for the most effective hair loss and hair regrowth solution available you have found it.